To build accessible, secure and equitable digital education:
Let’s reconnect!
Digital education has already demonstrated its many advantages: it can personalize learning, make it more fun, encourage the sharing and pooling of resources, and facilitate formative assessment. However, it still seems necessary to respond to the technical challenges, new pedagogical questions and even ethical conflicts experienced by many professionals in the field.
Educatech, at its 28th edition on November 13, 14 & 15, 2024, will enable some 15,000 participants to RE-CONNECT, the theme of this major event, to build accessible, secure and equitable digital education for all students and their teachers.
This year, the official Educatech roundtables – the crossroads of educational innovation – will (re)connect researchers and practitioners to look again at the aims of education, the positive and negative externalities of our technological developments, the protection of each and every one of us in our online uses, and the ways in which today’s pedagogy can seize upon an enriching and reasoned digital environment.
Digital technology is now omnipresent in our daily lives. In 2023, according to Arcep’s Baromètre du numérique, nine out of ten people will be Internet users, and 82% of the French population aged 12 and over will be connected to the Internet every day, as technology continues to advance at lightning speed.
We’ll be back shortly to give you the themes of our various round tables and workshops at the Carrefour de l’innovation pédagogique.
Ghislaine de Chambine
Director of Educ@tech Expo