The Carrefour de l’innovation pédagogique is a showcase for innovative teaching practices. In a 120 m2 space, it mobilizes and showcases teachers and educational professionals who, through their practices, enable us to (re)think the school form.
Based on the principle of third places, it brings together heterogeneous personalities to think, create, produce and encourage the creation of pedagogical commons.

It is divided into three sub-spaces:
– L’Accueil
– FabLab
– L’Atelier

Each of these sub-spaces is fitted out with innovative furniture and teaching materials from the stocks of our partners (aratice, unowhy, promethean…).

Numerous partners come together to ensure the diversity of approaches and frequentation of the Carrefour: teaching communities (Être Prof, 110bis, Future Classroom Lab, UNSA, La trousse à projets, Eteachers, Twictée, Scollectif…), associations of elected representatives and local authorities (RFVE, Villes Internet), as well as major networks such as the Ligue de l’enseignement, UNAF or CEMEA, and several teachers and academic managers…

The Carrefour is totally independent of institutions, but supported for the quality of its content, which in turn can lead to the publication of “Ordres de Missions” for our speakers by the French Ministry of Education.



“L’Accueil” is a place for informal exchanges. A real beacon for the Carrefour, it is a focal point and meeting place for education professionals. It also enables speakers and participants to meet before and after a workshop, to extend their thoughts and exchange ideas.

More broadly, it’s a place for spontaneous encounters and impromptu exchanges, breaking down homogeneity and discussion habits. Each year, it offers a number of stimulating, offbeat events.

Le FabLab et l’Atelier

These are the 2 spaces for activities and active pedagogy, true places of discovery and training for visitors and curious professionals.

The activities are offered by professionals in the field of education (teachers, educational managers, animators) whose pedagogical practices can inspire their peers.

Deliberately breaking down the boundaries of the classroom, the activities encourage the re-interrogation of established practices. On loan from partners present at the exhibition, “flexible” furniture encourages creativity.


Each sub-space hosts several activities per day. These activities last between 60 min and 1H20. Pre-registration is required to ensure a minimum attendance. However, visitors are welcome to join the workshops at any time.

Given the space available, activities will bring together an average of between 30 and 40 teachers and educational professionals.

The aim of the workshops is to provide teachers/visitors with classroom practices that each of them can appropriate and reinvest in their daily lives:
Tools, teaching scenarios, methods, questions…..
The workshops are designed to be dynamic, interactive, accessible and practical.

In 2023, workshops will be organized around the 3 challenges of the exhibition

  • Challenges 1 => Rising to the ecological challenge
  • Challenges 2 => Make EDTECH a lever for educational inclusion
  • Challenges 3 => Building digital for all


The 2024 programme will be available shortly.

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